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9 Useful Tips for Dealing with Isolation

ome people are built to be alone. Others struggle tremendously with solitude. Most people are somewhere in the middle. If you’re used to more human contact than you’ve been receiving lately, you know that it can be uncomfortable.HUMANS ARE SOCIAL CREATURES.
Historically, we’re not well-equipped to conquer the world alone. The ability to survive alone is a recent phenomenon. There’s a part of you that needs to be around others.
Manage your isolation in a healthy manner with these strategies…
- Utilize Technology: You can still interact with people from all over the world, even if the opportunities to leave your home are very limited. Consider phone or video chat. Forums, social media websites, and various cell phone apps make it possible to stay in contact with others.
- Read: One great thing you can do alone that’s hard to do well with others is read. If you can read this article, you have access to millions of books online. Try reading something you wouldn’t normally consider reading. It’s a great way to shake things up.
- Listen to Music: There’s a never-ending supply of free music available to you. You can find nearly any song you want and listen to it as many times as you like. Feel free to dance while you’re at it. No one is watching.
- Meet at the Park: Call up a friend and meet at the park. Keep your distance but have a nice chat. You can even set up a few chairs in your driveway and enjoy the day together. A few snacks and beverages can go a long way.
- Maintain a Schedule: If you’re stuck at home, it’s important to maintain some semblance of a schedule. Go to bed at the same time each night. Keep up with your personal grooming. Plan out your chores. Eat on a schedule. Most human beings struggle when they have unlimited time and little structure.
- Get some Exercise: Your body still needs to move, breathe heavy, and sweat a little. Find ways to work out without leaving your home. There are plenty of workout videos you can stream to your television set. Jump rope in the driveway. Fill your wheelbarrow up with dirt and take a stroll. Do some sit ups.
- Plant a Garden: Get out in the sun and grow some food. You’ll eat better, save some money, and get a fair amount of exercise. You’ll prove to yourself that life can’t be stopped. As a bonus, children love gardens.
- Learn Something: The internet is overflowing with free and inexpensive courses. You could learn to speak Mandarin, how to build a website, or how to maintain your motorcycle. There is a course for whatever you want to learn. What interests you? Find a way to explore that interest.
- Get a Pet: There are puppies, kittens, birds, reptiles, and fish being born each day that need a home. If you already have a pet, consider spending more time with it. It might be time to teach your dog to roll over or to fetch your slippers.
pending a lot of time alone doesn’t have to be the end of the world. There are many things you can do without others that are enjoyable and meaningful.There are also many ways to interact with others, even if you can’t share a confined space with them.Six feet isn’t that much to overcome if you’re flexible and creative. Remember that others share your frustration. Things will eventually get back to normal.

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