Story time is a fun and educational family tradition. The more you enable your children to contribute, the more...
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My self-esteem is increasing with each passing day.
Self-esteem is an important quality to possess. It provides the confidence needed to manage life effectively. I have a healthy level of self-esteem and it is growing day by day. I deserve to feel good about myself. I have many excellent qualities.
Self-esteem is one of the most appealing qualities that a person can possess. It attracts us to people. People are attracted to me because of my high level of self-esteem.I prepare for each day by stating five things I love about myself. It gives me a boost of self-esteem that carries me through the day. I am able to deal with any negative remarks I might receive that day. My self-esteem is just as high at the end of the day as it was at the beginning.
I choose how I see myself. I choose to see an attractive, thoughtful, intelligent, and caring person. The opinions of others mean little to me. I am more concerned with my own opinion of myself.
Each day I learn more about myself and I am pleased with what I discover. My self-esteem is growing and expanding with each passing day.
Today, I feel better about myself and my place in the world. My self-esteem is increasing with each passing day.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What are my five greatest qualities?
- When do I feel the best about myself? Under what circumstances do I feel the worst?
- What can I do to increase my self-esteem each day?
Everything I do for my children comes out of the love I have for them. When I discipline them,...
Every interaction I have with my children is positive for the whole family.
Emotional intimacy is a closeness that goes beyond the ordinary fondness felt for friends and family. The degree of...
Emotional intimacy is a closeness that goes beyond the ordinary fondness felt for friends and family. The degree of...
In years past, caring for a gifted child usually meant measuring them based on one IQ test and assigning...