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Self-love paves the way for loving others.

Loving myself is the key to showing love for others. Each day, I endeavor to show myself unconditional love. I use my own experiences as a gauge for handling situations with those around me.
I am kind to myself. When I see something I want, I allow myself to indulge. I know I am deserving of good things in life.
I only think positive thoughts about myself. I avoid putting myself down after trivial or complex disappointments. I am human and capable of making mistakes, but I am able to forgive myself and move on with self-confidence.
For every kind word I say to myself, I match it with a kind word to someone else.
When I love myself, it is easy for me to be kind to others. I am able to share my last dollar with someone in need. I acknowledge that others may have greater needs than I. I strive to treat others in a loving manner.
On days when I feel discouraged, I make a special effort to think before I speak or act. This ensures that I remain respectful and kind to others.
Today, I recognize the importance of treating others as I want to be treated. I know that I can draw on my self-love for more positive interactions with others.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- ow do I show my love for myself and others?
- What do I tell myself when I am feeling discouraged?
- When do I rely on encouragement from others to help me feel special?

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