I make the most of my talents


I know that I am born to excel in one way or the other and I actively look for opportunities to explore my talents.

I make it a point to use my talents for a positive purpose. I am happy when my talents can have a positive impact on the lives of those around me.

I know that some talents take practice in order to bring them to the forefront. I realize that sometimes I need the experience and training to make me the best at what I know I am capable of doing.

When others see my potential and urge me to step out from the shadow, I sometimes feel like shying away if I lack the self-confidence to go after what is mine. But such doubt soon disappears. When I go into self-assessment mode, I realize that I have the talent needed to achieve and the only thing that is holding me back is me.

Today, I accept that I have talents that I can utilize in a positive way. 

I commit to making the most of those talents instead of wasting or shunning them. I love knowing that there are things I am absolutely great at, and vow to show others my skills.

Self-Reflection Questions:

    1. Do I actively look for assistance to hone my talents and skills?
    2. How do I feel when others applaud my talents?
    3. Do I encourage my kids to work hard at developing their talents?

©2025 BODACIOUSLY HER ...a Community for Queens


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