When you set boundaries for your kids, you provide gentle "cushions" that will stop them whenever they're about to...
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I am appreciated by my children
I am devoted to my children; they are my treasure. We share a close relationship in peace and harmony. I’m willing to make any sacrifice for my children because I love them deeply.
Over the course of their lives, I have made immeasurable sacrifices to benefit my children. What I do for my children I do with joy because they mean everything to me. I enjoy taking care of my children and having them in my life.
I constantly pour love and wisdom into my children because those gifts matter more than any material possession I could ever give them.
Although my children may express themselves in a way that is different than what I would expect, I try to understand them. Instead of judging them, I accept the way they communicate love to me.
My children show me gratitude in small and simple ways. My eyes are trained to spot acts of kindness and appreciation from my children. A note, a look, a hug, or a kiss are all ways in which my children show thankfulness and love.
My children love me more than I will ever know. The time and energy I invest in teaching and raising them is never in vain; they’re yielding good fruit.
Today, I choose to receive the love my children give me in whichever way they want to offer that love. I refrain from judging them and I stop second-guessing how they feel about me.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- When was the last time I listened to my children?
- Do I allow my children to express themselves in a way that is comfortable for them?
- What activities do I enjoy doing with my children?
As children mature, they'll experience all kinds of emotions. Like all humans, they'll also have reactions to those feelings....
Today, I know I can make an impact on the lives of others through my naturally nurturing behaviors.
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