Showing my affection is a loving thing to do. When I express affection toward others, it shows I have...
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I enjoy being me!

What a wonderfully unique person I am!
I love how it feels to be me. I enjoy my life and cherish all the little nuances that occur every day.I am where I am in life because of the choices I made and the work I put into being precisely who I am. I am exactly the person I want to be.
I will continue to grow and learn new things. I will continue to experience new things in life and transform for the better; this is part of being me.
I have surrounded myself with wonderful people and I enjoy who I am when I am with them.
I enjoy who I am when I am alone as well. I take pleasure in self-reflection and I appreciate how I permit myself to enjoy solitude.
I am fun and caring. I am talented and trustworthy. I am glad to be just who I am.
Today I will have a special date with myself and plan a time where I can simply enjoy being me. I will do things I like to do and focus on the pure enjoyment of my time with me.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What is by best attribute?
- What have I enjoyed doing by myself?
- How do I show myself appreciation for being the wonderful person I am?

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