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Love Is Naked

know , I know you were expecting me to say love is patient, love is kind,love endures all things(1 Corinthians ….. But I believe all those attributes are still under the umbrella of being naked and not ashamed. If we look at the bible, thiE scripture- POVR IPNV a ctually comes later in the scriptures when Paul is trying to encourage the church to love another. However, when you look in genesis when God first introduced Adam and eve to one another, he said they were naked and not ashamed.Gen 2: 25- And they were both naked, both husband and wife, and were not ashamed. tYes in the physical sense, but I would go on further to say in the emotional and spiritual sense as well. Don’t misinterpret me sex plays a pivotal part in the marriage, and I would encourage married couples to walk around each other physically naked ( it wouldn’t hurt). It allows for giving and taking, and gives way to express love using bodily expression. it allows you to connect with your mate spirit, soul and body. Real intimacy requires a bit more than just physical nakedness. It requires complete trust, honesty and transparency. when we tell our spouse i give you permission to access my physical body, but not the seat of my emotion or my mind,you leave room for deceit, infidelity, emotional affairs, the list goes on.
I believe when you declare your sacred vows “to have and to hold in sickness and in health”- you are saying I’m letting down every barrier, every wall , every doubt , every fear and I I’m here through the seasons of marriage: winter, spring, summer, and fall.I’m opening myself up to be vulnerable to you- my fears, my doubts, inhibitions I’m leaving it at the alter of GOD
I once knew a couple Steve and Karen. Steve started to grow distant from karen due to unsurmountable stress in the office, but instead of expressing his frustrations to his wife Karen- he just pushed her away. soon enough, he started to reject her need and desire for sex. After a while, karen resorted to pornography. She internalized Steve’s rejection and felt it meant she was not good enough or that Steve was no longer attracted to her. One day Steve walked in on her as she was viewing one of the porn sites. Steve was shocked and disappointed. Despite his disappointment, he was forced to address the issues head on. Karen vowed to not look at any more porn sites and implemented necessary softwares that would block her access, while Steve vowed to always keep Karen in the loop and not shut her out even when pressures at work begun to mount.
Let truth and forgiveness reign in your marriage and you will begin to see that you have the ingredients to overcome any obstacle

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