Showing my affection is a loving thing to do. When I express affection toward others, it shows I have...
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It's The Communication for Me

I don’t know about you, but there’s something attractive about a man and his ability to communicate effectively and talk to me nicely.
If we are honest, most of us did not grow up seeing models of healthy communication. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean one can’t learn. The bible tells us that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. This reminds me that our words, our speech is also important to God.
You and your partner are a brand. Ask yourselves what is our brand communicating to ourselves and others? So the next time you’re talking to your partner and feel the urge to respond in a negative tone or negative disposition, pause and ask yourself what am I communicating about our brand

Relationships are important, and we often forget just how important they can be. We often don’t realize this fact...
I deserve love. I accept love in my life and can see love all around me. It is natural...