Everyone has flaws. I am free from the need for my partner to be perfect. I am able to...
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I see the best in my partner
I am grateful for the many things that my partner brings to my life. My life would be less fulfilling and enjoyable without their presence.
Everyone has flaws. I am free from the need for my partner to be perfect. I am able to overlook flaws and focus on their best attributes.
I am lucky to be with such a wonderful person.
Even though my partner makes mistakes from time to time, it is easy for me to remember how lucky I am to have them in my life. Each day I am able to spend with my partner is a blessing.
I choose to see the best in my partner.
I can be challenging at times, but my partner brings out the best in me. I am a better person because my partner is part of my life. I feel more comfortable and confident because of my partner’s influence on my life.
I fondly remember all the wonderful times I have spent with my partner. The good times make it easy to survive the challenging times. We have overcome many challenges in the past which gives me hope and confidence for a bright future together.
Today, I am looking forward to spending another wonderful day with my partner. I choose to see the best in my partner, and my partner chooses to see the best in me.
- What quality do I love most about my partner? What else could I choose to love about them?
- What does my partner add to my life?
- What would my life look like without my partner?

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