Showing my affection is a loving thing to do. When I express affection toward others, it shows I have...
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I am worthy of love

I deserve love in my life. I am worthy of having love from my partner and family members.
bask in the love from my family, friends, and coworkers. I deserve appreciation and kindness. I deserve a partner who understands me and supports me. I enjoy all the love I receive throughout the day. Each smile and gesture warms my heart. I am happy to be surrounded by people who care about me. I return the love I receive with the same enthusiasm. I am grateful for the connections I form with others. I deserve to have people who care about me at work and at home. I am worthy of their attention. I accept their love. I am happy to have intimate connections with my partner. I am able to be vulnerable and free in their presence. I love myself and acknowledge my own power. I erase negativity from my thoughts and heart. I fill my soul with love. I build healthy and strong relationships that lift me up. I focus on those who truly care about me and wish me the best. I let go of those who hold back their love. Today, I focus on love and know that I deserve it. I show my love for others and welcome it in return.Self-Reflection Questions:
- How can I ensure that I am open to receiving love?
- What can I do to increase the love I feel for others?
- How can I focus on my love for others while I am busy with other tasks?

Relationships are important, and we often forget just how important they can be. We often don’t realize this fact...
I deserve love. I accept love in my life and can see love all around me. It is natural...