Everyone has flaws. I am free from the need for my partner to be perfect. I am able to...
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How Can I be the Daughter

How Can I Be the Daughter of the Most High, Accepting the Most Least?
See, I Have A Father that tells me I am fearfully and wonderfully made, delicate, marvelous and complex, and woven together in the darkness of my mother’s womb (Psalms 139). And Look How Beautiful WE are! I have an earthly father who told me the same. My fiber and being were made from the hands of Greatness. My roots were watered and nurtured in my parent’s love. Every Scar is Beauty and Every hole is there for God to fill and make whole. Simply Because he loves me THAT much.
So why do I accept the least of these, accepting the continued broken promises, the lies, excuses, and drama? Is it because I feel that I can “save him”. Or maybe it’s because I feel bad. Maybe it’s because “He never had anyone to love him as I do”. Or for real, for real do you like the drama? Or just maybe deep down, you feel that you don’t deserve better.
What rhyme and reasons have you given yourself to justify remaining in a toxic relationship? Hoping that it would get better if you just continue to show up and “Be there”. How much mess have you found yourself absorbing the toxicity from a relationship and falling back into old bad habits, those things and ways you told yourself, you would never do again. The next me you look in the mirror you feel bad, your skin is bad, and your light is dim.
And I’m not just talking about romantic relationships, this goes for ANY relationship that keeps you from the best you! We often stay in these relationships with lovers, friends, or foes, and this person has hurt your spirit, sabotaged your dreams, and continuously broken your heart, but you keep giving and keep accepting crumbs of love. And you wonder why you need a whole nap are you leave their presence. We start speaking down to ourselves and accepting the same language from our love. Or even speaking down to others. We become toxic ourselves.
We are children of the most high! The Creator of Heaven and Earth. And everything in between. He called us to be the light and salt of His land. How can we do that when the salt has lost its flavor and the light barely shines. I had to get to a place in my life where I got tired of looking around and finding myself in the same place, no growth, no gain, just stuck. A friend told me once (or several dozen times)- Change your Mind, Change your Life. As I began to refocus my sight on what He called me to be, EVERYTHING began to follow. One of my favorite scriptures, especially at this current place I’m in my life, is Matthew 6: 31- 34. God is telling me to worry less, say less, complain less, and focus on Him. When I started to do this, even the problems didn’t seem like problems, they turned into gladness. The pain didn’t feel like pain anymore, it felt like Victory. Even the loss felt like gains. I got closer to my Abba Father, I could hear him tell me he never forgot me, that he loves me and every promise he told me, he was faithful to perform it. He restored my broken places and now I can openly celebrate my scars. When I started to do THIS. I didn’t have to say goodbye to not one toxic relationship. They fell out of my life.

The key for me was to not chase after what God was removing. He removed it to make room for the greater that is to come. So, feel your heart with the Greatness of God’s Love, His Peace, His Wholeness, Be proud of who you know you are because God tells you who you are. The scars make You Fearless, Marvelous, Delicate, and Strong.
You are Bodaciously Her.
Every relationship has its challenges and I meet these challenges head on. I can grow and learn from them.
No one ever said that relationships were easy! The good news is that if you stay proactive, you can...