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Courtship Clues That Can Affect Your Future Marriage

Your courtship can show warning signs about your future marriage. It can provide clues and red flags about your relationship.
What can your courtship reveal about your partner?
- Romantic courtships. Contrary to popular belief, extremely romantic courtships are not a guarantee that the relationship will last.
- Research shows that couples who have romantic dating experiences can still end up divorced. However, the path to divorce is often longer for couples with romantic courtships.
- Romance can fade in any relationship.
- Comfort levels. One of the biggest clues about your future marriage is related to comfort levels. How comfortable are you around your partner? Can you share everything with them, or do you hold things back?
- Comfort levels are an important indication that a relationship may or may not last.
- Couples who are comfortable with each other during courtship are more likely to have longer marriages. They’re also more likely to be happier in the relationship.
- It takes time and trust to reach a comfortable level.
- However, it’s worth pursuing this before getting married. If you can’t be comfortable around your partner, then the same feelings can continue after marriage.
- Longer courtships. If you date for several years, your marriage is more likely to succeed.
- Whirlwind romances are popular in books and movies, but they often don’t last long in the real world. It takes time to get to know your partner and feel a strong commitment.
- Research shows that couples who date longer are more likely to stay together and avoid divorce.
- Companionship. Couples who enjoy spending time together are happier overall.
- During courtship, companionship can be a big indicator of the future. Couples who like each other’s company and share interests are more likely to stay married for a long period of time.
- You don’t have to share every hobby and interest. However, having some mutual interests can make the relationship stronger.
- It’s important not to force companionship in a relationship. It should feel natural, and you both should want to spend time together. It’s normal to have some alone time and different interests. However, you should be able to come together and enjoy some things as a couple.
- Forcing it. Society continues to place marriage on a pedestal and demands that couples exchange vows. However, research shows that forcing a relationship during the courtship stage is a sign of trouble for the future marriage.
- This can appear in several ways. For example, if you’re constantly setting up dates, but your partner isn’t interested or involved, you’re pushing too far.
- Another example is a partner who constantly talks about commitment and pressures you to agree to things you’re not ready to accept.
- Family drama. Although some couples are able to overcome differences between their families, many relationships fail because of this. Family drama often appears during the courtship phase.
- Whether your partner hates your mother, or you can’t stand his uncle, it can be a sign of trouble.
- How you handle family drama in the beginning of a relationship matters. It can affect the entire course of your relationship. Instead of ignoring the issues, face them and work through them together.
Your courtship is an important part of the relationship. Pay attention to these clues because they can reveal information about your future marriage.

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